Mit deutlichen Worten hat sich Düsseldorfs Oberbürgermeister vom Vorgehen seiner Partei im Bundestag distanziert, wonach mit Hilfe der AfD eine Mehrheit für einen Antrag zur Verschärfung der Migrationspolitik zustande kam.
The main conceptual idea is that Düsseldorf's CDU mayor, Stephan Keller, strongly criticizes his party's decision to work with the AfD to pass a harder line on migration policy, calling it "inacceptable." He distances himself from this approach, particularly that initiated by CDU leadership candidate Friedrich Merz.
The main conceptual idea is that Düsseldorf's CDU mayor, Stephan Keller, strongly criticizes his party's decision to work with the AfD to pass a harder line on migration policy, calling it "inacceptable." He distances himself from this approach, particularly that initiated by CDU leadership candidate Friedrich Merz.